Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dishing Up Nutrtion Podcast: My Midwestern Dream

When I started to be interested in nutrition, part of how I got started was by listening to a few different podcasts. Out of all of the ones I have listened to, Dishing Up Nutrition is by far my favorite.

It is an actual radio show broadcasted weekly from St Paul Minnesota and features nutritionist Darline Kvist who has been a nutritionist saying the same wonderful things for over 20 years. It then generally rotates other nutritionists that she works with depending on the topic. These ladies are adorable and really know their stuff. They are always reporting the latest research and since it is a radio show, they can actually take callers and answer people's questions (which are often the same ones I have). If you are only going to listen to ONE nutrtion podcast, this is for sure the one that I would go with.

Darline Kvist of Dishing Up Nutrtion

The other great thing about these ladies is that they also see patients and due to the popularity of their show outside of their area they will also do phone consultations if you feel like you need a 1 on 1 with a nutritionist. Even if there is nothing particularly wrong with you it seems like it would be a really good experience. If you are interested in this, the website is where you can also find links to recipes, lean more about the nutritionists, and sign up for the newsletter.

Here are the top 5 things that I have leaned from Dishing Up Nutrition that I try apply to my daily life:
1) Eat REAL fats including animal fat, dairy fat, olive oil, and coconut oil (which I have yet to try). Most vegetable oils (corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil) are damaged and not as good for you as the American Heart Association wants you to think.
2) Sugar is the devil (in all forms)
3) Make sure you get plenty of animal protein to support your body
4) Make sure you get plenty of Omega 3 fish oil for brain/mood health
5)Many problems that people pop pills for every day for can be solved nutritionally

So start twideling those dials and listen to Dishing Up Nutrition!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace!
    I am a client of the nutritionists at Nutritional Weight and Wellness. You are right; they are a dream! I too blog about nutrition and weight loss ( Love your blog!
