Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Canned Sea Food and Evil Oils

So yesterday I was at Whole Foods with Dan and as usual I got distracted from the main goal (blue cheese) and started wandering around the isles. When I got to the canned fish area I paused and started investigating. First of all, I really like smoked oysters in a tin. They are really tasty and as I posted before, oysters are really good for you. Unfortunately I stopped buying them because I realized that they are generally in cottonseed oil.

You may be wondering: What is wrong with cottonseed oil? The problem is that it is an industrially produced damaged oil that is just not good for you. There is a lot of processing involved for oils like cottonseed, soy, corn and so on so that just makes them unnatural unhealthy fats that will not support your body the way that natural fats will. As the Agriculture Society put it, "processing of oils like cottonseed and other industrially-produced oils causes the substance to become unstable, rancid, and are essentially trans-fats due to the nature of their processing. But you won’t hear the industries producing these products admitting these facts to the public."

Another big problem with them is that according to the San Fransisco Pesticide Action Network cotton crops account for 10% of the total pesticide use in America. That is a really large percentage when you think about it. I guess it's not as big of a deal for clothes (maybe) but we should generally try to limit the amount of pesticides we consume. Also, cotton, along with corn and soy is one of the most likely crops to be genetically modified. All together not something you want to be putting in your body.

So the good news for me is that I found a brand, Crown Prince that does not put its oysters in cottonseed oil, but puts it in olive oil! How great! Also, I bought mustard sardines. For those of you who don't think that you like sardines, maybe you would if you tried another flavor! It's worth a shot since they are so good for you!

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